Immediate test results
Pre-calibrated cell so no need to send ashore for annual calibration
Simplest on-board alcohol testing solution
DOT Approved Alcohol Screening Device (ASD)
On-board Alcohol Testing
The ALCO XS™ is a unique new marine breath alcohol tester (breathalyser) that never requires re-calibration. ALCO XS™ saves you a fortune compared to your conventional breathalysers which need sending ashore for annual calibration or, worse still, annual replacement of the whole breathalyser. This is an extreme waste.
Instead, all you need to do is insert the pre-calibrated ALCO XS™ sensor cell every year (which takes a few seconds) and ALCO XS™ is ready to use and certified accurate for a further 12 months – what could be easier?
ALCO XS™ is designed specifically to meet the new “Manila Amendments” to the Standards of Training, Certification, and Watch-keeping (STCW) – you should check your current breathalysers to see if they have the required accuracy to meet these new limits as many don’t.
Note: The Department of Transport approves 2 levels of screening device; Alcohol Screening Device (ASD) and Evidential Breath Testing (EBT). The ALCO XS™ is DOT approved for ASD testing. If you require printouts to record readings, you will require an EBT device.